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5 valandas prieš , de1ka said:

ciur pirmas bus prime only

Paziurekit is kitos puses. Gal bent kazkas i pirma serveri prisijungtu, jeigu antras butu only prime? 😄win win. 

O jeigu rimtai tai kam but bandomuoju triusiu, kai juo gali buti kiti. Pirma menesi ar du bus cheating rampage, po to biski aprims, tada ir atidaryt serverius visiems.

Zinoma vistiek atsiras vaiku, bet be prime only ju nesulaikysi, o su prime only potencialiai prarandama ir nauju normaliu zaideju.

Edited by Kerk
  • Haha 1
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All people who owned CS:GO before the update @ 2018-12-06 was updated to Prime status, even if they didn't have any phone number on the account.

If you are up on Lieutenant 21 and have activated a phone number on your account, you will become Prime - even if you haven't purchased the game.

So you can be a F2P player, where you are still not be affected by "sv_prime_accounts_only".

If you want to prevent both non-Prime accounts and F2P players who haven't yet purchased the game, I'm afraid you need both the plugin AND have "sv_prime_accounts_only" set to 1.

Pirmas serveris yra su prime only + pluginu. Antras serveris yra tik su prime only. Sitas viskas buvo jau vakar aktyvuota. Bet kokiu atveju, siuksliu apmazejo nuo vakar.

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