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Viskas, kas parašyta nario BoTL1kE

  1. [quote author=iFiXas link=topic=824.msg13232#msg13232 date=1407693140] O kur tu matai , kas aš tave pamynėjas buciau ? :) [/quote] Na neskaiciau daug, bet DaTroll, kiek is pradziu snekejo, tai apie mano "Sukuosena", nes jam labai nepatinka vyrai su ilgesniais nei 5 cm plaukais. Tai praktiskai spejau, kad apie mane. Na tiek to, suklydau, buna.
  2. [quote author=iFiXas link=topic=824.msg13227#msg13227 date=1407370465] Na čia troliuj pritarsiu dėl tu gėjiškai atrodančių plauku .. I miestą išėjus baisu kur galva pasukt kur pažiūri ten baxurai kaip gomikai uzsitempe bobiskus džinsus kokios raudonos ar žalios spalvos susimete plaukus i sona arba kaip makelmorai prieš plauka susilaiže ar kaip trolis sako Emo staila ipise .. Šlykstu susimastykit jus vyrai ne končitos blet .. ir seip cia tema baisei nuo konteksto nukryppo .. jus pazekit pirmus postus del ko cia viskas uzsivede ir apie ka dabar tema eina :D [/quote] First of all, maziau trollio klausyk, niekas to "emo" style neturi... Kad ilgi plaukai =/= emo. Tuo labiau aptempti dzinsai :D Nei as dazausi akis, nei plaukus, nei aptemptus bobiskus dzinsus nesioju. Kaip minejau anksciau, ilgi plaukai =/= emo. Bet kaip matau, datroll tai yra visiskai px, nu ka padarysi...
  3. [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13221#msg13221 date=1407330945] [quote author=DraKoNiuKaS link=topic=824.msg13220#msg13220 date=1407318230] [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13218#msg13218 date=1407273815] [quote author=DraKoNiuKaS link=topic=824.msg13217#msg13217 date=1407271591] troli, a galesiu dalyvaut tavo ateinanciame evente ? kad ir kada jis bus... [/quote] [b][color=red][size=24pt]IRONIJA, IRONIJA.[/size][/color][/b] ir taip drakone jei atitiksi reikalavimus galesi dalyvauti, o kam klausi? [/quote] kur ce ironija ? o kokie reikalavimai bus ? [/quote] Ai ten tik seip rasiau ant prikolo, kopijavau emo haired fag ir jo postus. Nu reikalavimai bus tokie pat kaip ir preita kart. Nebuti smarkiai baustas bachuru serve, buti praleides bent 12h serve. Na dar neleisiu trade banintiems dalyvauti. [/quote] Facepalm...
  4. Welcome to the kindergarten, the place where DaTroll reigns as emperor of all who are immature, insecure and idiotically, desperately ignorant of the fact that they're moronic. :-* Have a nice stay here... You shall lose braincells with every post of his that you read. :-*
  5. [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13168#msg13168 date=1406751863] [quote author=BoTL1kE link=topic=824.msg13167#msg13167 date=1406749790] [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13149#msg13149 date=1406656518] [quote author=BoTL1kE link=topic=824.msg13148#msg13148 date=1406655597] We're all sorry that we're different than you are. Please, oh master, please don't hurt us, you alpha male. You are the pinnacle of manhood, you are the ultimate man, no one can be anymore manly than you are. Your tastes are superior while ours are inferior. So please, show us mercy, oh great DaTroll. [/quote] Well Virginity is strong in this one ^ [/quote] [color=orange][size=36pt]IRONY POLICE, ARREST THIS MAN![/size][/color] [/quote] [b][size=36pt][color=red]YES YOU ARE ALSO THE KING OF VIRGINS! ARREST YOURSELF![/color][/size][/b] [/quote] Oh god the irony, I can't handle it.
  6. [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13149#msg13149 date=1406656518] [quote author=BoTL1kE link=topic=824.msg13148#msg13148 date=1406655597] We're all sorry that we're different than you are. Please, oh master, please don't hurt us, you alpha male. You are the pinnacle of manhood, you are the ultimate man, no one can be anymore manly than you are. Your tastes are superior while ours are inferior. So please, show us mercy, oh great DaTroll. [/quote] Well Virginity is strong in this one ^ [/quote] [color=orange][size=36pt]IRONY POLICE, ARREST THIS MAN![/size][/color]
  7. We're all sorry that we're different than you are. Please, oh master, please don't hurt us, you alpha male. You are the pinnacle of manhood, you are the ultimate man, no one can be anymore manly than you are. Your tastes are superior while ours are inferior. So please, show us mercy, oh great DaTroll.
  8. [quote author=deivius1 link=topic=824.msg13126#msg13126 date=1406497312] [quote author=DraKoNiuKaS link=topic=824.msg13125#msg13125 date=1406496914] tavo posto turbut nei vieno nera kuriame neminetum poniu tai tie tavo teiginiai apie degradavima ironiski labai... tema apie wiki as butent tau issamiai paaiskinau, kad suprastum, bet kaip suprantu vistiek nesupranti... tai tiek to paliekam ta tema. o siaip... pries sita konflikta, jai tau taip broniai nepatinka, tai kodel tu su manim bendravai vis ir draugiskai elgeisi ? ( prisiminus laikiux surf ) tikrai nuo pat pradziu zinojai kad as bronis. [/quote] Niekad apie tai to metu nekalbedavai plius nezinojau kad esi degradas, nebuciau net kalbines, na dar tada taip smarkiai tie issigime poniai netrugde, nors zinojau apie jos. Ir nepamenu kad buciau draugiskai su tavim bendraves laikiux laikais, tik trollinau. [/quote] [size=24pt] [color=orange]IRONY POLICE ARREST THIS MAN![/color][/size]
  9. Kiek DaTrolleris man rasinedavo per steam, tai matesi, kad kvailas zmogus... Bet paskaicius cia ka jis raso, galiu teigti, kad as klydau. Jis kvailesnis negu dauguma kitu. :o
  10. Have a Haiku: One is grass The other, not grass The not grass- is crass. :-*
  11. You just made my point even pointier than it was before. :)
  12. Silly Datroll, you have NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder). You should get that checked out m8. It's a serious one. :'(
  13. Na matos, metaforos nesupratai... Nei anglu nei lietuviu pilnai nesupranti, esi ignorant... Su tavim snekant/chattinant degraduoju kas post.
  14. Bet del kazko lindai, dar dabar yra pedsaku tavo, mano ruroj... :-*
  15. Nesvarbu, kad kai dar buco laikiuxo tf2 servas, lindai visiem adminam i siknas, taip pat kaip ir cia... O dabar kai nebera tai pasirodo koks esi. A seriously delusional ignorant kid, nothing more, nothing less... Regular lel. :-\
  16. Neberadi prie ko prisikabint? Lol :-*
  17. The infinite fountain of irony doesn't stop flowing! :-*
  18. I find it very funny, how you think that is... It is a pretty rare kind of stupidity that you have. Ignorance is bliss.
  19. Na, kaip ir sakiau, trolis dar vis nepasimoko... :D
  20. Na, visi vaikai kazkada uzauga.. Kaikuriu mastymas keiciasi, kitu- ne :) Tada problema tik gileja.
  21. Niekas nepyksta, tiesiog juokinga kaip tokiu kvailu zmoniu buna. Jei pykciau butu kas kita. :-*
  22. Hey, kadangi jus ji geriausiai zinot, stai chat. (Bereiksmis angliskas chat) [b][url=http://pastebin.com/8HaxXa72]http://pastebin.com/8HaxXa72[/url][/b] Laikas nuo laiko uzsuksiu paziuresiu gal kas ko paklause. Njoy the read.
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