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Paskutiniai profilyje apsilankė

Paskutinių lankytojų blokas yra išjungtas ir nebus rodomas kitiems nariams.

cZe's Achievements

Private First Class

Private First Class (2/27)



  1. cZe

    Rin is racist

    How could he even know that you was black? Anyway, another reason may have been that it is a Lithuanian server and most of the people have no idea what you was talking about.
  2. cZe

    Ką dabar žiūrite ?

    Breaking bad 5 sezono, 11 serija. [url=http://tv-series.me/breaking-bad-s5e11-confessions/]http://tv-series.me/breaking-bad-s5e11-confessions/[/url]
  3. cZe

    Bachuru TF2 komandą.

    Uz snaiperi galiu
  4. cZe

    TF2 Medic POV (Video)

    Mano pirma video ant TF2 tai labai nesmerkit. Duokite patarimu kaip patobuleti ir tiesiog sakykit nuomone apie sita video. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBjBnelRt-s#ws]TF2 Medic POV[/url] Ziekite HD, renderino 1:30val :D
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