[center]Jei galima, nor??iau kad serveryje ?diegtum?t [i]SourceTV.[/i] [b]Kam?[/b] - Aš pats m?gstu labai filmuoti visokius fragus, po to [url=http://youtu.be/KRKfei5C4bY]video kurt.[/url] [b]K? duoda [i]SourceTV[/i]?[/b] - Su juo nufilmavus galima iki begalyb?s FPS sul?tinti, ir iš vis? žaid?j? asmen? galima ži?r?ti vaizd?. Jei ?diegtum?t, kurdamas video gal vis gi j?s? server? pareklamuo?iau, nors views'? nedaug sulaukiu, bet ateityje tikiuos daugiau sulaukt. [b]Kaip ?jungti SourceTV?[/b] [quote][size=6pt]You will need to know how to use rcon commands in order to enable SourceTV. First, find out what your rcon password is. In this example we will assume that your rcon password is "rcpass." You will need to join your server and bring down your console window usually by pressing your "~" key on your keyboard. You will know need to log into rcon with the following command: rcon_password rcpass You will not receive any message that you have been logged on successfully, but Rcon will always work. Nothing can be wrong with rcon except that you did not type in the command correctly or typed in the wrong rcon password. Next you will type into your console window the following command: rcon tv_enable 1 You should now see a SourceTV "spectator" appear in your server. SourceTV has now been enabled on your server. To disable SourceTV, use the following rcon command: rcon tv_enable 0 If you have Mani Mod installed on your server, you can use the following commands to enable and disable SourceTV instead of rcon commands. ma_rcon tv_enable 1 ma_rcon tv_enable 0 If this does not work, simply add the following variable into your server.cfg file and restart your server to enable SourceTV. TO disable it, remove the variable and restart your server. tv_enable 1[/size][/quote] [/center]